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Ramune Lychee, 6.76oz Glass Bottle

Ramune Lychee, 6.76oz Glass Bottle

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Ramune is a Japanese soda that has the marble in the top. The kids love these sodas just for the marble that you need to "pop" into the soda to make the carbonation. You need to take the stopper from the top once you break the seal open, then you push the stopper into the top of the soda, and you will see the marble drop into the soda. Enjoy the fun refreshing drink. 

How to open the screw stopper type

If the plug is Pink, this means a Screw plug type Ramune.
Since the cap part is a reverse screw type, it is a type that you can take out the marbles and dispose of them separately after drinking.
Screw plug type
1. Remove the seal on the cap of Ramune.
Screw plug type
2. Remove the ring part of the ball pusher.
The ball push is necessary to open the ramune stopper.
Screw plug type
3. Push the ball pusher into the mouth of the container to drop the marbles.
Screw plug type
4. When you drop the marbles, do not remove the marbles from the mouth of the container immediately, and hold the marbles firmly by hand for about 5 to 6 seconds until the carbon dioxide gas settles down.
Screw plug type
5. After the carbon dioxide gas has settled down, release the ball and drink.

How to open the driving plug type

If the plug is greenor sending us a message onTransparent, this means a Driving plug type Ramune.
Since the cap is fitted in the bottle, it is a type that the marbles cannot be taken out and the cap cannot be removed.
Driving plug type
1. Remove the seal on the cap of Ramune.
Driving plug type
2. Remove the ring part of the ball pusher.
The ball push is necessary to open the ramune stopper.
Driving plug type
3. Push the ball pusher into the mouth of the container to drop the marbles.
"With both hands"Please push it strongly.
Driving plug type
4. When you drop the marbles, do not remove the marbles from the mouth of the container immediately, and hold the marbles firmly by hand for about 5 to 6 seconds until the carbon dioxide gas settles down.
Driving plug type
5. After the carbon dioxide gas has settled down, release the ball and drink.
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