About Overrated: Our Story, Mission, and Your Portal to Korean Culture

Discover the passion and people behind Overrated, your premier source for Korean beauty products, snacks, and plushies. Learn how we bring the heart of Seoul to your doorstep through our curated selections and commitment to quality.

Journey of Passion

Our Story

From a small idea to a bustling hub for Korean culture enthusiasts, Overrated was born out of a profound admiration for Korea's rich cultural offerings. Our founders, inspired by their travels and experiences in Seoul, decided to bring a piece of Korea back home. Overrated started as a modest storefront and has grown into a beloved destination for anyone looking to immerse themselves in Korean culture through our authentic products.

Bringing Seoul to You

Our Mission

At Overrated, our mission is to enrich lives by making Korean culture accessible through our carefully selected products. We aim to provide a bridge between Korea's innovative beauty industry, delicious culinary arts, and whimsical toy culture and our customers who seek to explore these realms. Each product is chosen not only for its quality but also for its ability to convey the essence of Korean lifestyle and aesthetics.

Curated with Care

Our Products

Our range of products includes high-performance Korean skincare, gourmet snacks that offer a taste of Korea's vibrant street food scene, and handpicked plushies that capture the playful spirit of Korean pop culture. We ensure that every item we stock is authentic, high-quality, and representative of the innovative trends emerging from Seoul.

Authenticity, Quality, and Community

Our Values

  • Authenticity: We guarantee that each product is genuinely sourced from Korea, providing our customers with a true Korean experience.
  • Quality: We prioritize products that are not only effective but also crafted with high standards and ethical practices.
  • Community: Overrated is more than just a store; it's a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for Korean culture. We host events, share insights, and foster a community where everyone can learn and grow.

Challenging the Ordinary

Why Overrated?

The name 'Overrated' is a playful nod to our commitment to exceeding expectations. It's about discovering the extraordinary in what might initially seem ordinary or hyped. We invite our customers to explore beyond the surface and experience the depth of Korean culture with us.